Atrás quedaron esa tendencia por lucir cuerpos delgados sin demasiada forma y apenas tonificación. Ahora la tendencia es de cuerpos más fuertes y trabajados, y si hay una parte de la anatomía que más se trabaja en los gimnasios esa es sin duda la retaguardia.
Ahora los culos redondos, respingones y de mayor tamaño son los más deseados en el gimnasio. Puede que pienses que esos culos solo se logran a base de lipoesculturas o implantes (eso mejor se los dejamos a las Kardashian) pero la realidad es que lograr tener un buen culo, firme y con más proyección es posible a base de ejercicio y una adecuada alimentación.
Tal vez creas que no puedes lograrlo, que es más fácil para las personas de constitución delgada o que no se puede conseguir una retaguardia tan potente con solo ejercicio, pero la realidad es que al final solo son excusas porque sí que se puede.
Aquí te dejamos varios ejemplos de chicas que antes tenían un trasero normal, con poca forma, con grasa y sin demasiado volumen, ambas con diferentes estilos de cuerpos y todas lo han logrado.
Desde luego estos resultados son fruto de mucho trabajo, no queremos mentirte, pero es posible. Además no solo lograrás un físico con el que te puedas sentir más segura o que se acerque al ideal que a ti te gusta (si este es tu estilo claro) sino que ganarás en agilidad, fuerza y lo mejor de todo, dirás adiós a la pereza, ganando un nuevo hábito saludable.
¿Quieres descubrir a nuestras protagonistas?
So here it is!! My progress pictures. I’m not one to usually do transformation pictures but I think it’s very important for myself and others to see that with patience’s, hard work and consistency you can achieve anything. No surgery or injections!!! The pic on the left is actually me believe it or not! I was 15! This is when I first started going to the gym! I honestly can’t believe it’s been almost 5 years since I’ve started my journey! It started off by going to the gym a couple days a week, and learning how to use the machines and trying different exercises. I wasn’t following any meals plans, I ate whatever I want but I was starting slow by going to the gym! (first 3 years) then the past 2 years it has became my whole entire lifestyle. I am now a competitor, coach and I now know all the muscles, how to target them, how to transform my body the way I want, I know how to properly diet and I go to the gym 1-2 a day, 6-7 days a week. I’m still learning every single day how to better myself and help others! I can’t stress it enough how consistency and patience is key. I too wanted my body to change over night but that’s just not realistic. Start somewhere and trust the process, it will happen I promise! Another thing I’ve learned is how important diet is. I hit a point where i was working out everyday and eating what I want and wasn’t seeing the results I was looking for… until I changed my diet, within a couple months I was seeing amazing results! Diet is the game changer 100%!! You got this! Believe in yourself and put in the work���❤️ -I will be making new guides, online coaching, and a group for all my boss babes to keep you accountable and help you along the way to achieve all your goals! COMING SOON!�
Una publicación compartida de ▪️DESTINY ELIZABETH STEPHENS▪️ (@destinyelizabethstephens) el 29 Ene, 2018 a las 5:06 PST
#transformationtuesday I haven’t done a transformation pic in quite a while, so a lot of my new followers (HEY ���) won’t know where I came from and sometimes i like to remind myself too! … LEFT: MAY 2015 RIGHT: This morning (06-03-18) So before I got into weight training I was really in to my functional fitness, various fitness classes and spin classes for around 5 years. I’ve always been naturally slim (I take after my parents �) and my weight was always 52kg, it never changed ! Then I decided I wanted to challenge myself more to see if I could achieve something that I thought was near impossible (I know that’s bad, I should have had more self belief ��) and that was to build on my physique, create curves in places I didn’t have naturally and get stronger ! So I took the plunge and started lifting in the weight room which was also a massive step for me (sometimes you just gotta take yourself out your comfort zone �) and realised I had found another passion �� from here I needed to learn A LOT!!! I quickly realised I wasn’t eating enough in order to grow the muscle I wanted, so I started to educate myself on nutrition etc then a couple of months later I met my incredible fiancé @romanelanceford and from then we have trained together everyday and I really do owe a lot to him, because I have learnt more from him then I ever have anywhere else!!! ♥️ after increasing my meals per day, the gains started to come and after 1 year of weight training I really started to see the results. It does take time, patience, consistency, discipline and all the rest of it, if it was easy everyone would be walking around with insane bodies right?! It’s a complete lifestyle change not just for the way you’ll look on the outside but to be healthy on the inside ☺️ now, nearly 3 years on, i weigh 60kg and I have built a physique that I am SUPER proud of and I’m so happy I can share it with you all and keep you motivated along the way � I wasn’t born like you see me today lol I have worked SO hard at every aspect and my training has been consistent for 2.5 years �� KEEP PUSHING ON YOU WILL GET THERE, IF I CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU!!!! ����
Una publicación compartida de Lisa Lanceford (@lisafiitt) el 6 Mar, 2018 a las 9:37 PST
El ejercicio estrella en todos los casos para lograr un culo tan rotundo son las sentadillas, tanto las clásicas (las rodillas paralelas a los hombros) como las sentadillas de sumo que se pueden realizar con o sin peso para comenzar son las mejores pero hay muchos más estilos de sentadillas y por supuesto un montón de ejercicios que te ayudarán a trabajar esta zona.
Para adentrarnos en esto de las sentadillas es mejor comenzar con un peso ligero o realizarlas sin ninguna pesa al principio y luego ir subiendo paulatinamente al igual que la cantidad de sentadillas al día irá aumentando con el paso de los días una vez que vayamos ganando en fuerza y resistencia.
#TransformationTuesday FAQ’s Pt 2… Do you have a facebook? Nope. Just my Ig & website, … Snapchat is intriguing tho. Do you count calories or cut carbs? Nope to both. I just monitor my macro intake, tweaking depending on my goals. How long did it take you to lose the weight? First pregnancy 2011, It took me 34 months to lose 117 lbs in total (my leanest). Second pregnancy 2015, 41lbs in 5 months pre-baby weight 150’s. Both transformations are on my page. What exercises u do to target your legs, back, arms & stomach? Unfortunately u cannot spot reduce fat as the body works as a whole. But, you can train desired body parts on a consistent basis along with proper nutrition & yeild results. I perform both cardio & strength training. My routines change daily. I’m always switching it up to keep my body guessing. Also, lots of water with lemon & foam rolling aided with my cellulite & fat loss overall. Do you have loose skin? No loose skin. Nothing toning & good nutrition can’t fix. I can always afford to tone & ditch my hot chips lol. But if u lose weight properly through consistent impactful exercise & proper nutrition, at a healthy pace… most individuals skin will retract. Some don’t. Also, any type of moisturizing helps with stretch marks. What kinda watch do you wear? It’s a Polar heart rate monitor. It allows me to know how hard I’m working or not. Advice for a beginner? Be realistic, consistent & accountable for ur fitness & nutrition. U got to be mentally prepared for the challenges ahead. If your mental game is strong, u can tackle any obstacle ahead of you. Get help if needed. You will get back what u put out. Lastly, take pictures & measurements. I’m not ashamed to post my fat pics. Bcz at that time, that was me. I still can’t believe that I gained so much in such a short period of time. It’s my truth. It shows how much of a huge comeback I’ve made & what I’m capable of (the human body in general). They serve an important reminder of how far I’ve transformed throughout my journey. Once u’ve accepted ur flaws, no one can use them against u. Off to train I go!💪💦 #dedicated #fitmom #kekkeish #natural #weightloss #motivation
Una publicación compartida de Keish (@kek_keish) el 24 May, 2016 a las 3:05 PDT
This little transformation went viral, so I’m posting it again and clarifying some things. There’s a 4 year difference between these two and nearly a 40 pound difference. Was it easy? Not at all. It took time, patience and hard work. Real results take real time. Real effort. Real consistency. You won’t make major changes in a month or two, but rather over a course of a year or two (or in my case, 4 years). As most of you know, I’m vegan, and this transformation was done as a Vegan. Cosmopolitan posted this and said I get most of my protein from vegan cheese (lol) and tofu, however that’s not really the case. Although I LOVE my vegan cheese (@fieldroast chao cheese I’m looking at you), it doesn’t have much protein. I get the bulk of my protein from mock meats (check out gardein and beyond meat!) and whole, plant based foods like lentils, soy beans, regular beans, nuts and seeds. You may notice that my legs as a WHOLE got larger. It’s not really possible to grow your glutes without growing your legs. Every “glute isolation” exercise also engages your hamstrings, meaning if your glutes grow, your hamstrings grow along with it. #beforeandafter #transformation #glutes #buildabooty
Una publicación compartida de Nika �� I’m 6 ft (@fitnika101) el 22 Abr, 2018 a las 12:44 PDT
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